Pisgah's name (Piz'-gah) is a Hebrew word which means "top" or "head" and comes from a mountaintop in the Holy Land which was the highest peak of Mt. Nebo from which Moses saw the Promised Land. It was here that God called Moses out of this world to dwell eternally with Him in Heaven.
The first Parish Register was begun in 1880. The original constitution containing ten articles was adopted at the date of organization and was written in longhand. It is kept in Pisgah's safe deposit box. The first sanctuary was dedicated on Sunday, September 25, 1886.
A parish/educational building was built and dedicated on Sunday, October 24, 1954.
Pisgah became a self-supporting congregation in 1964. The congregation was without a pastor during her first year of independence. Worship was conducted by students and faculty of the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia, SC.
The Rev. William E. Stone became the first fulltime Pastor of Pisgah on June 6, 1966. A Planning Council was named to make a comprehensive study of the need for a new church. The Rev. Dermont Fritz Swicegood was installed as Pisgah's Pastor on July 20, 1969. A Building Committee for a new church sanctuary was approved on October 26, 1969.
Groundbreaking was held on Sunday, October 4, 1970. The new sanctuary was completed and the cornerstone laid on Sunday, November 21, 1971. The contemporary design brick structure with a free-standing altar is a masterpiece in architectural craftsmanship. There is extensive use of wood and wrought iron. The church was officially dedicated to the Glory of God on Passion Sunday, March 19, 1972. A gymnatorium was constructed in 1977.
Fire, caused by lightning, destroyed the educational wing of Pisgah on Saturday, August 9, 1980. Pisgah was without the leadership of a pastor at the time. Pastor Swicegood returned to hold services for the congregation in the gym the following morning.
The Rev. Henry Mahone Moody, Jr. was installed as Pisgah's fifteenth Pastor on December 14, 1980. It was with his leadership that ground was broken in February 1981 for the reconstruction of the educational/administrative wing.
The Rev. Clarence Kesler Derrick, Jr. became the Pastor of Pisgah on January 15, 1991. Pastor Derrick served until his retirement in June 1995.
The Rev. Gerald Daniel Bacon was called as the seventeenth Pastor of Pisgah on May 1, 1996. It was during his tenure that Pisgah's Child Development Ministry was started. The Groundbreaking ceremony was held on Sunday, August 26, 2007, for construction of a new educational wing to house the CDM, a new kitchen, and incorporate the existing gymnatorium.