Our Mission Statement


United in Christ's love, we of Pisgah Lutheran Church are called to be servants of God, members of His family, sharing and caring, learning and teaching, grounded in the Scriptures and the Lutheran confessions, yet with a vision of ministry that extends beyond our community to all people.

What We Believe

  • That God, the Father, created each of us and all that exists; that God is the ruler of the universe.
  • That God, the Son, Jesus Christ, in His death and resurrection frees us from sin and death; that Jesus came bringing the rule of God in our daily lives; that Jesus came making known the love and mercy of God for all people.
  • That God, the Holy Spirit, is at work in our lives and the world to remake them according to God’s will.
  • That the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God; that God’s Word comes to us as both Law and Gospel.
  • That we encounter the Living God in the means of Grace: God’s Word, baptism, and communion.
  • That in order to understand what we believe you need to participate in the life of the church.
  • That the confession of faith of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America more fully expresses what we believe.

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America